There are many ways to express your gratitude to the Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk for a life of service to education, poverty, literacy, immigration and advocacy for women and children. Each opportunity offers distinct benefits to you today and for years to come. As we continue our core mission of service to the community, our focus has turned inward as well. We face an urgent need to ensure the safety and dignity of our elderly and infirmed Sisters.
Donations may be mailed to:
Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk
81-15 Utopia Parkway
Jamaica, New York 11432
Please make checks payable to: Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk
The Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk hold many fundraising events each year.
Please click here for our current schedule.
To view past events please click here.
For more information about attending or supporting an event, please contact Anne Walsh at (718) 591-0681. ext. 2060 or [email protected].
The Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk offer a Prayer Enrollment Card (Mass Cards) Programs with several card options. These mass cards can be sent to you and used at your convenience. Once you use them, please send the accompanying slip back to us so that your intention may be added.
Endowments provide a permanent source of funding for the Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk. Assets are invested and a portion of the fund is paid out annually.
For information about how to create an endowment, please contact our Development Office at (718) 591-0681 ext. 3201 or [email protected].
Matching Gifts are an easy way to double or triple your donation. Please check if your company supports employee philanthropy for religious organizations. If so, take advantage of your corporate matching gift program and maximize the value of your gift at no additional cost.
Memorial gifts are a wonderful way to recognize or memorialize a friend, relative or colleague. For details about memorial giving opportunities, please contact our Development Office at (718) 591-0681 ext. 3201 or [email protected].
The Development Office will notify the honoree or relative regarding memorial gifts.
Perhaps you have already included or are considering The Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk in your estate plan. By designating the Ursuline Sisters as a beneficiary of your estate, you are invited to join St. Angela’s Legacy Circle.
Typical bequest language is:
“I give the sum of $________(or_______% of my estate) to the Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk, 81-15 Utopia Parkway, Jamaica, NY 11432, to be used or disposed of as Congregation deems appropriate in its sole discretion.”
We welcome the opportunity to work with you and your legal or financial counsel to develop a plan that benefits you and the Sisters. To speak with someone about setting up a planned gift, please contact our Development Office at (718) 591-0681 ext. 3201 or [email protected]
Gifts of securities can provide significant tax benefits while helping you avoid a capital gains tax. To make a gift of securities, please contact our Development Office at (718) 591-0681 ext. 3201 or [email protected] with your name, address, phone number, the name and type of securities to be gifted (public, private, restricted, mutual fund, etc.), the number of shares, and the date you intend to make the gift.