Ursulines from around the world celebrate the Feast of our Foundress, St. Angela Merici on January 27th. St. Angela, along with twenty-eight companions, consecrated themselves by taking the vow of virginity on November 25, 1535 in Brescia, Italy. She called her group the Company of St. Ursula, which is how we became known as Ursulines.
Many groups have descended from that first group. St. Angela wrote Counsels, Legacies, and a Primitive Rule. These documents have been the guiding principles that Ursulines have reflected on for almost five hundred years.
There are so many quotes that have helped Ursulines live out the ideals set forth by St. Angela. The Last Legacy has influenced all Ursulines and continues to influence us today:
Lastly, take great care that the good directives given you, and especially those of the Rule, are observed in earnest.
If, with the change of times and circumstances, it becomes necessary to make fresh rules, or to alter anything, then do it with prudence, after taking good advice.
Let your first refuge always be to have recourse to Jesus Christ, to pray fervently... in this way, Jesus Christ will undoubtedly be in your midst, and like a true and good Master, He will enlighten and instruct you as to what you should do.
St. Angela began her company to work with women and children, and she met a critical need for education in Brescia at the time. While the Ursulines have begun other ministries to meet the changing needs of the people of God, they have remained rooted in the education of others and continue to make God known and loved.
As we celebrate this special feast, we remember the Ursulines who have served in the past and those serving around the world today.
May the vision of St. Angela continue in the women who follow the courage of St. Angela today.