The Ursuline Sisters and Associates of Tildonk strive to make God known and loved. We make a difference in society through the witness of our life profoundly rooted in God; a life of simplicity, harmony, mutuality and hospitality.
We, the Ursuline Sisters and Associates of Tildonk, are dedicated to radical Gospel living. Energized by the spirit and example of St. Angela we dare to effect change in ourselves our Church and our society by standing with the oppressed economically poor especially women and children.
We use feminist models to confront oppressive structures, racism, classism and other prejudicial fears.
We use our common resources to empower the poor and minister for justice. We network to expand our political awareness and influence.
We arrive at decisions through discernment process, listening to the Spirit speaking in the individual and in the group.
Our lifestyles are marked by a profound simplicity and consciousness of the earth. We acknowledge our global interdependence.
We gather together to affirm and support one another. We empower each other to accountability and challenge each other to act. We break open the Word together, share prayer, share a meal, and enjoy one another’s company.
We are people of wisdom. We relate with freedom and responsibility, and are present to each other in our brokenness.
We communicate with each other in an atmosphere of trust, honesty, and mutual support. Our dialogue is permeated by an attitude of openness and a belief in continual conversion.
Sr. Mairead Barrett - Sr. Lisa Bergeron - Sr. Joanne Callahan - Sr. Geraldine Conklin - Sr. Regina Delaney Sr. Denise Farrands - Sr. Catherine Gardiner - Sr. Margaret (Blanche) Golub
Sr. Barbara Gooding - Sr. Meghan McArdle - Sr. Ann McHugh - Sr. Edith Menegus - Sr. Laurentine Morgan - Sr. Margaret O'Brien - Sr. Judith O'Connor - Sr. Bridget Olwell - Sr. Mary Elizabeth Preston
Sr. Jane Quinlan - Sr. Janet Schreiner - Sr. Mary Anne Sheehan - Sr. Mary Joan of Arc Spelman
Sr. Catherine Talia - Sr. Mary Lou Tressy